Melanin Mass Moms

Welcome to Melanin Mass Moms! We are a network of moms of color in Massachusetts raising our children, empowering one another and adjusting our crown as we take on the challenges of melanin motherhood.

Mission Statement: We work to bridge the gap between community resources and health disparities for mothers of color as they navigate all stages of motherhood. We provide mental health resources, postpartum support, and avenues for advocacy aimed to increased access to community wide resources.

What do we provide?

Melanin Mass Mom has an online support network through a private facebook group. In our group moms are able to ask for advice, provide support, empower other moms, and learn from one another. We also provide educational live chats on various topics. We added a monthly virtual mom support group via zoom.

What does Melanin Mass Moms mean to you?


“A safe and judgement free space where women of color can reach out to one another and navigate the shark infested waters that is motherhood.”

“Melanin Mass Moms gives me a space to connect with, build with, and share joy with other moms of color in a predominantly white state. Having moms who can relate with me and a common experience raising kids of color means everything!”

“A place with resources, encouragement, commonalities, laughter and support.”